
Last Updated 03/20/2010

What is the ATGLogColorizer?

This utility color-codes log files or console output from JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere, and DAS application servers. Output originating from ATG is also recoginzed and colored appropriately. This utility greatly aids in reading and interpreting log files.

Screen Shots: JBoss, WebLogic, DAS, WebSphere

Quick Start - Windows

Download the application, strip the "v1_2" from the file name, then run it any one of the following ways:

      · /application/start/script.ext | C:\path\to\ATGLogColorizer.exe
      · C:\path\to\ATGLogColorizer.exe C:\path\to\file.log

Note: CYGWIN is currently not supported
Download Now
Version 1.2, released 04/16/08

Quick Start - Unix Variants

Download the application, strip the "v1_2" from the file name, make it executable, then run it any one of the following ways:

      · tail -f /path/to/file.log | /path/to/./ATGLogColorizer
      · /path/to/./ATGLogColorizer /path/to/file.log
      · bin/ | /path/to/./ATGLogColorizer

Mac user? Download an OSX release, courtesy of Glen Borkowski.
Solaris user? Download a Solaris release, courtesy of Mark Donnelly.
Download Now
Version 1.1, released 06/28/07 Site
Download Source
About Kelly Goetsch
Attention Unix Users
Does the Unix release not run on your variant? Feel free to download the source code and compile it yourself. The application doesn't require any special libraries nor is it tied to a specific Unix variant.